Friday, May 6, 2011

46) Illusion of Motion by Multiple Image

When an image is multiplied and placed overlapping itself in different poses or in succession of each other, a sense of motion is conveyed.

 Our mind automatically perceives this image and turns it into a moving image of the girl in our mind, rather than just multiple still figures.

45) Illusion of Motion by Blurred Image

Movement is obviously not still.  Without advanced shutter speed on a camera, a moving object will appear blurry.  A blurred figure is assumed to show motion because we constantly see things like cars zooming past us on the highway, consequently only looking like a big colored blur.

We can tell this photograph shows motion since all of the people are blurred as they bustle around the station.

44) Illusion of Motion by Repeated Figure

Movement can be suggested with figures seeming in the act of motion or placed in an image in such a way that we assume movement has occurred.

By seeing the horse repeatedly in different positions of running, we can mentally picture the full act in motion.

43) Anticipated Motion

This can be achieved by showing images that have potential energy.  They are in the act of moving or look as though they may perform some sort of action.

 We can almost feel the girl jumping through the air about to land in the water.

42) Spacial Puzzles (Equivocal Space)

Normal and natural spacial cues are ignored to create an interesting image, which are no realistic in depth or space when looked at closely.

It is impossible for the stairs in this drawing to realistically do what they are doing but the space and depth was manipulated to create this spatial puzzle.

41) Multiple Perspective

Looking at an image from more than one point of view creates multiple perspective.  All of these different views are combined into a single image.

There's no way a person standing in one specific place could see all of the different parts of the building in this image, but multiple views are combines, making it possible to show more parts of the structure.

40) Amplified Perspective

An amplified perspective points an image directly at the viewer, so the forefront of the image is at eye level and it moves back farther away.

 The bottom of the Eiffel Tower in this image is pointed directly at the viewer.